September 18, 2024

New From Bayer CropScience: Incoming Canola Hybrid Targets Key Solutions

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Richardson Pioneer is continuously seeking innovations that propel canola growers toward success. As we move into the 2025 crop year, DK401TL—an all-new DEKALB canola hybrid from Bayer CropScience—is poised to make a significant impact across Western Canada with its impressive yield potential and versatile weed control options.

At a Glance: The Benefits of DEKALB Canola Hybrids

DEKALB canola hybrids are recognized for their ability to meet the evolving needs of growers, and DK401TL is no exception. Here’s what makes DEKALB hybrids stand out:

  • TruFlex® LibertyLink® Flexibility
    Compatible with both Roundup® and Liberty® herbicides, providing growers with versatile weed control options.
  • Advanced Disease Protection
    Engineered to resist diseases like clubroot and blackleg, ensuring a healthier, more resilient crop.
  • Straight Cut Options
    Offering straight cut and Straight Cut Plus genetics, with optimal dry-down and excellent harvestability.
  • Early Maturing, Early Harvest
    For faster, smoother harvests, allowing growers to get the most out of their growing season.

DK401TL: The Highest-Yielding Canola Hybrid Yet

Building on the strong genetics of earlier iterations in the DEKALB lineup, DK401TL stands out as the highest-yield potential DEKALB canola hybrid to date. This new hybrid offers enhanced pod shatter protection and improved pod integrity, making it a resilient choice for growers looking to maximize their canola acres.

Although it has yet to experience a harvest, early optimism for DK401TL’s yield potential is grounded in the success of its predecessor, DK400TL. In field trials at Richardson Farms, DK400TL delivered an impressive 58 bushels per acre, making it the top-performing canola hybrid in 2023.

Given this strong performance, there is every reason to believe that DK401TL will deliver even better results under similar conditions, providing growers with a reliable return on investment.

Bayer CropScience reps speak to the positive stats behind DK401TL field trials at the Bayer CropScience Research Farm in Carman, MB.
Nicole Sharpe (Digital Ag Specialist, Richardson Pioneer) tours growers and Richardson Pioneer agronomy staff through DK400TL and DK401TL field trials at Bennett Farm in Richardson, SK. Trials show the crops performed well under significant weed and pest pressure.

Flexibility in Weed Control

One of the most compelling features of DEKALB hybrids, and DK401TL in particular, is the TruFlex® LibertyLink® trait. This trait allows growers the flexibility to use Roundup® Ready or LibertyLink® herbicide technologies—or a combination of both—offering broad-spectrum control and a wider application window.

This flexibility provides growers with an effective tool to manage weeds while also maximizing herbicide resistance. However, it’s important to acknowledge the concerns that some growers have about the potential impacts on performance with dual herbicide traits. Early in-field results from Richardson Pioneer show that DK401TL performs exceptionally well, even under challenging conditions such as climate, weed, and pest pressures.

Stretch Your Benefits Even Further with Richardson Rewards

As growers plan their canola seed purchases this fall, the Richardson Rewards grower loyalty program offers significant earning opportunities on varieties like DK401TL.

By meeting the qualifying requirements for the Richardson Rewards 2025 Canola Program, growers can earn up to $10.75 per acre in rewards. Participating in this program opens the door to even more savings on essential crop input purchases with qualifying canola seed.

To learn more about the 2025 Richardson Rewards program and start earning on DK401TL, download the CropWatch portal to request a quote, or speak with your local Richardson Pioneer representative.